Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 2504
Annual Return Start: 01 Feb 2008
Annual Return End: 31 Jan 2009
Date Received: 31 Mar 2009
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3.3 Point 1 - Exceedance of total suspended solids limit due to significant rainfall caused by treatment capacity of the water management system being exceeded on 5/2/2008 (TSS 110mg/L) and 4/3/2008 (TSS 180mg/L). S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 2
L3.3 pH limit of 8.5 at LDP 10 was periodically exceeded throughout the year. S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 1
M2.1 Point 1 - Only 11 samples were collected for the year instead of the required 12. Dry weather prevented a sample being available for collection in November 2008. S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 1